Tessabit致力于男装经营,是意大利著名的男装品牌, 2023年夏天位于科莫湖畔旁拉里安市中心的一座历史建筑内,Tessabit最新的旗舰店为迎接其成立70周年隆重开业。

The Tessabit is devoted entirely to male dress, which is Italian famous mal brand. The new Tessabit flagship store opened in summer 2023 for celebrating its 70 years of operation. It is located on the banks of Lake Como, in an historic building in the heart of larian town.



该项目由著名建筑公司cardinal & garabin设计翻新,保留了该建筑气势恢宏、优雅的外观,对内部进行一种柔和线条的软装设计,使两种风格能够完美融合,在空间内创造一种沉稳大气的氛围感。

The renovation, designed by the famous architectural company Cardinal & Garabin, retains the building's imposing and elegant exterior, while a soft finish with soft lines allows the two styles to blend perfectly, creating a sense of calm and atmosphere within the space. The interior creates a masculine environment with soft traits, where the concrete walls are lined with elegant tissues. Thin colored palettes, together with the materiality of the fabrics and resins, create a harmony of contemporary elegance.



安装在定制的 H 型轨道上的 Reggiani照明 Yori Evo Ghostrack 射灯在一条线上错落有致,与店内销售的系列陈列相互呼应。光照下,建筑的冷硬和面料的斑斓柔和,不同的质感混合,创造出了一种当代优雅的和谐。

Reggiani’s Yori Evo Ghostrack spot lights mounted on custom H-shaped tracks are arranged in a line that echoes the collection displayed in the store. Under the light, the cold hardness of the building and the colorful softness of the fabric, the different textures are mixed to create a contemporary elegant harmony.





Reggiani's Mood series downlights are used to illuminate the passing areas inside the flag shop, making the whole space bright and soft, comfortable and warm.


