点亮城市之光 2023年第61届米兰国际家具展(Salone del Mobile.Milano)将于4月18日至23日在米兰国际展览中心正式举办。意大利Reggiani SPA为此精心准备,特在米兰市中心的波瓦拉宫(Palazzo Bovara)举办“光的艺术”(the Art of Light)展。诚挚邀请各位朋友亲临现场体验交流。

Light up the city. The 61st Milan Furniture Fair 2023 (Salone del Mobile.Milano) will be held from April 18 to 23 at Milan International Exhibition Center.  Reggiani SPA from Italy is preparing for "the Art of Light," an exhibition at the Palazzo Bovara in central Milan.


Riaggni SPA 携手Giuliano Dell'Uva Architetti和Metis Lighting共同创作了这个以光为核心的室内设计项目。我们的解决方案将照亮这座历史建筑的大厅。

Riaggni SPA teamed up with Giuliano Dell'Uva Architetti and Metis Lighting to create this light-centered interior design project. Our solution will light the lobby of this historic building.


我们会在整个参观过程中陪伴您,您将感受到Reggiani 全方位的升级和不一样的灯光效果。尤其,展览还将展示Riaggni的新型超小型24V系统:Outline。

We will accompany you throughout the visit. You will feel the full range of Reggiani upgrades and different lighting effects. In particular, the exhibition will showcase Riaggni's new subcompact 24V system: Outline.


Palazzo Bovara 波瓦拉宫

Corso Venezia 51,Milan 米兰威尼斯大道51号









Open Time: 

April 17 Monday: 3:00pm-8:00pm

April 18 Tuesday: 10:00am-6:00pm

April 19 Wednesday: 10:00am-8:00pm

April 20 Thursday: 10:00am-6:00pm

April 21 Friday: 10:00am-7:00pm

April 22 Saturday: 10:00am-8:00pm

April 23 Sunday: 10:00am-7:00pm

更多信息More info:

[email protected]  或者 https://www.reggiani.net

[email protected]  or https://www.reggiani.net