
Reggiani helps Shanghai Hengshan Hotel to interpret the historical style of the modern era of France with lights.



Shanghai Hengshan Hotel is one of the six most famous hotels in Shanghai.The hotel,opened in the year of 1934, is located in the intersection of Hengshan Road and Wanping Road, which is known as the eastern "Champs-Elysees". Its exterior style is typical European architecture. Starting at the end of 2020, Hengshan Hotel underwent its fifth renovation and reopen in 2023. This renovation adhered to the principle of "repairing the old as the old" and tried their best to restore the architectural style of 1934. It was merged with Juss Hengshan Hotel and officially renamed Hengshan Garden Hotel.


该项目主要使用Reggiani灯具Mood、Unit、Low LED系列,这三大系列灯具强大的功能及配件,对酒店、会所类生活公共领域的光艺术有着更丰富的理解与运用!

The project mainly used Reggiani’s Mood series, Unit series and Low LED series. These three series of lamps have powerful functions and high quality accessories.  They have a richer understanding and application of light art in the public areas of life such as hotels and clubs!