
The Porro showroom in Kerry - Xingyuanhui, Chaoyang District, Beijing, was opened in October 2022. This is the perfect integration of Reggiani Illumination and international brands once again.


Founded in 1925 in the Brianza region, Porro specialises in the selection, fabrication and interpretation of wood. They offers a wide range of fine material options and uses through the use of cutting-edge techniques in matte finishes and finishes, as well as years of skilled craftsmanship.

根据该品牌特性,Reggiani本次采用MOOD系列和YORI EVO 48V系列灯具强大的配件与功能为该展厅提供高品质照明,为Porro展厅倾情打造高端优雅舒适的艺术性展示环境。

According to the characteristics of the brand, Reggiani adopted MOOD series and YORI EVO 48V series lamps with powerful accessories and functions to provide high-quality lighting for the Showroom. They create high-end, elegant and comfortable artistic display environment for the Porro Showroom.