
Zhejiang New Era Cultural Landmark - Hangzhou National Archives of Publications and Culture, also known as Wenrun Pavilion, opened to the public at the end of July. The museum has a total construction area of 103,100 square meters, including 13 individual buildings. It is "mainly collection, combined with collection and exhibitions". It is the remote disaster recovery database of the Central General Museum, the Jiangnan special version database, and the East China version resource gathering center. It is a project that shoulders the important task of "continuing the Chinese culture, strengthening cultural self-confidence, showing the image of a major country, and promoting dialogue between civilizations". It’s focusing on three characteristics: reflecting the positioning of Zhejiang as a "demonstration area for common prosperity" and an "important window". It’s reflecting Jiangnan Cultural characteristics, exploring the humanistic advantages of Jiangnan. It shows its status and influence in the development of Chinese culture and history. It reflects the characteristics of smart museum construction, which uses the favorable conditions of Zhejiang's digital technology highland, and simultaneously builds physical and digital museums.


Reggiani Illumination combined with different design requirements with different environments, selected production such as Lindro series and Yori series for this project. Reggiani makes the lighting contribution in order to create a high-quality and classic project that is related to cultural heritage, cultural continuity, civilization dissemination, and more related to national rejuvenation.