尼达罗斯大教堂是坐落于挪威特隆赫姆的建筑杰作。它建造于1000 多年前,建筑融合了罗马式和哥特式风格。直到如今,它仍然是挪威最重要的礼拜场所之一。大教堂最近进行了全面修复,所有的室内照明全部进行了更换。

Nidaros Cathedral is an architectural masterpiece located in Trondheim, Norway. The Cathedral was built more than 1000 years ago and it reflects the mixture of Romanesque and Gothic styles. Nowadays it’s still one of the most important place of worship in Norway. The Cathedral has recently undergone a restoration to completely replace the interior lighting.



 尼达罗斯大教堂不仅仅是一个礼拜场所,还是一个举办国家庆典和表演的礼堂。这个照明项目是由挪威照明设计师和土木工程师 Erik Selmer主导,并于2021年11月荣获挪威照明设计和照明产品荣誉奖“Norsk Lyspris”。自2017年起,Selmer就开始和项目团队合作,旨在用现代光源替换教堂里的古董灯饰。大教堂里原来的枝形吊灯已被1600个reggiani新的光源所取代,其中大部分对游客来说是不可见的。现在,教堂里的所有的建设性和艺术性元素,都被其中的光源所展现,这加强了大教堂内部的魔幻色彩。

Nidaros Cathedral is not just a place of worship, but a place of national celebrations and an auditorium for shows. The global lighting project has been led by Erik Selmer, norwegian lighting designer and civil engineer and it has been awarded in November 2021 by the “Norsk Lyspris”, honorary award for lighting design and lighting products in Norway. Since 2017, Selmer worked with the project team with the purpose of replacing the antique illumination. The former chandeliers in the Cathedral have been replaced by 1600 new light points by Reggiani: among these, most are not visible to the visitors. This reinforces the intrinsic magic of the Cathedral where now all the constructive and artistic elements benefit from their own light point.



 该项目定制了超过700盏reggiani Linea Luce和带有RGBW的reggiani Linea Luce用于线性照明:这些灯色温都是CRI>85、3000K,光束角从 7°到59°不等。这些灯用于柱子和壁龛等地方来突出上面的细节,比如突出了拱门之间墙壁上三角形表面中的每个浮雕。从三扇竖框窗户开始,屋顶被光源照亮。地板上还安装了一个特殊的照明系统,该系统具有可变方向、强度和焦点的功能。合唱团的墙壁和管风琴处都配备了定制版本的 Yori投影式(直径43毫米和 直径75毫米)照明。这些灯每一盏都有自己的功能:一些具有较窄的光束,专注于细节,而另一些更宽的光束,为雄伟的气氛增添光彩。最后,六盏灯完全照亮了瓦格纳风琴。这些灯虽然有不同的功率(9、17、28W),但是都是同一种色温的LED( 3000K和 CRI> 98),以便保证了教堂里统一而卓越的光品质。照明系统通过DMX进行管理,以确保控制灯光的灵活性和多变性。

More than 700 customized units of Linea Luce and Linea Luce with RGBW from Reggiani were used for linear lighting:  these solutions present CRI>85, 3000K temperature and a light beam that widens from 7° to 59. These solutions have been utilized in columns and niches to accentuate the details. The narrow beam solutions highlight each of the reliefs in the triangular surfaces of the walls between the arches. The roof is illuminated with points of light starting from the three-mullioned windows. A particular lighting system was also installed on the floor with a system of variable direction, intensity and focus. The wall of the choir and the organ are equipped with a particular lighting that uses a customized version of the Yori projectors (Ø43mm and Ø75mm), each with its own function: some, with a narrower beam, focus on the details, while others are wider beam and give light to the majestic atmosphere. Finally, six points of light fully illuminate the Wagnerian organ. The different powers (9, 17, 28W), the LEDs with a temperature of 3000K and CRI> 98 guarantee excellent quality light. The lighting system is managed via DMX to ensure flexibility and ease in controlling the light.




The internal lighting Cathedral is now perfectly calibrated for the various spaces of the sacred place and therefore it allows to highlight the extraordinary art and architecture of the Cathedral and to adapt to the liturgical moment.
